Outdoor&nbspBoot Camp


Week  1

Mon. 29th

"The Gaunlet", kettlebell swing foundations and learning the row.

"The Gauntlet"                               
3 rounds for time of....

Run half a lap                                 
20 Walking lunges
10 push ups
6 lateral hops
2 hurdle jumps

Wed. 1st 

Obstacle course x 3

4 hurlde bounds
6 lateral hops
15 yrd sprint

Track Sprints

20M x 3, 30M x 2, 40M x 2, 60M x3

3 Rounds

30 sec Duck and Squat
30 sec Push Ups

Fri. 3rd

Max rounds in 10 minutes of.............

10 rows
100 yard sprint/run                                                 10 push ups                                                              100 yard sprint/run

Medicine Ball Medley

Pass and burpie and 100 yard relay


Week 2--- Week 3--- Week 4

Check out a review  of the workouts from each one of the weeks above !